Sunday School 9:45 AM, Worship 11:00 AM
New to Friends
We hope you'll come and join us not only here on the web, but also at our church for a Sunday morning service. The Friends have always focused on the need for us to hear from Christ Himself, Who still speaks to the conditions of our hearts. We are the Family of God seeking to love and serve Him in the world today.
Our Worship Services
We believe in celebrating the diversity of God's people. All ages are welcome. There is no dress code - you'll see cowboy boots and bow ties. We embrace women's role in ministry - Pastor Vicki follows in the tradition of Margaret Fell (one of the first Friends preachers in the 1600s). We share God's work in our lives together. We sing together - using songs old and new (though not necessarily both every week - some weeks are all contemporary music, others all traditional, with most in between). We give to support God's ministries. We hear the Scriptures read and taught. And we listen for the Holy Spirit's transforming message speaking into our own lives.
Children and Youth
During the 9:45AM Sunday School we have a Preschool class and a Youth class available, with nursery care available as well. For 11:00AM worship, Jr and Sr High Youth are encouraged to join the main service. Kids from PreK through 5th grade are released to "Worship Warriors" halfway through the service. Younger children are welcome in the nursery (which is separated from the sanctuary only by a window). We know that some parents are more comfortable with their kids by their side, especially in a new church - so you are welcome to join your kids in the nursery (or Worship Warriors - though you risk being asked to help!), or have them stay with you during the service, according to your (and their!) preference.
Our Purpose
The purpose of Barberton Evangelical Friends Church is to help individuals encounter God. Through Jesus Christ, we worship, fellowship, study, and pray in order that life transformation occurs in us so that God can change lives through us.